Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My predictions on the finale and jury votes, as well as Jokersupdates predictions. All three finalists have been fired from their jobs. Link at the bottom.

Well, here we are. Finally the season comes to an end and I can't wait for this shit fest to be over with so I can get on with Survivor. Here are my predictions as to what will happen and how the jury will vote in each situation.

I predict Andy will win Part 3 of the Final HOH, and he will pick Spencer to go with him to Final 2.  However, it's not gonna be a blowout. GM did really well in the F4 HOH comp with the questions, so don't rule her out yet.  If she does win, she'll take Spencer as well to Final 2.

Recap of last week incase you were too bored to watch

Watch Danielle from BB14 and Adam Poch in the Sheyld Show from last week

JURY VOTES Predictions (These are my personal predictions)

I think the voting this year will be closer than some people may think. And it's not because all three of these players are good, it's because they're all so equally bad in their own ways. If Spencer is in the Final 2, don't count him out.  It's possible he could pull an upset.

* indicates a vote that could go either way, but the person I place the vote under is what I think will most likely happen, in my opinion.

But who the fuck knows what will happen? We all thought Dan would win by a landslide last year but we were shocked that the jury was so bitter!  Anything can happen.

Andy vs. Spencer (Andy wins 5-4)

Votes for Andy:
1) Candice - This is pretty obvious. Candice has had a better relationship with Andy the whole season, and she took Spencer to Candy Land earlier.  From the jury footage last week, Candice will be a bitter jury member and will vote personally.
2) Helen - From the jury footage, Helen said that Andy has played the best strategic game of the houseguests left. She'll vote based on gameplay and not personally
3) Aaryn - Aaryn has never been a fan of Spencer. She HATES Spencer.  Plus, she was in the 3AM alliance with Andy and had a F3 deal with Andy and GM.
4) Amanda - This one's tough, but from the jury footage, Amanda doesn't respect people she thinks floated through the game and in her own opinion, Amanda thinks GM floated, so this leads me to believe she'll vote based on gameplay.  She was in an alliance with Andy much of the game and should give him her vote.  Plus, Spencer and Amanda haven't been on good terms.
5) McCrae* - He'll vote with Amanda, plus he was in an alliance with Andy the whole game. However, McCrae did say something about being a bitter jury member so we'll have to watch out for McCrae. I think his vote could go either way because he does have a good relationship with Spencer, plus if McCrae is bitter, he'll give his vote to Spencer.

Votes for Spencer:
1) Jessie - Andy backstabbed and lied to her.  Jessie even told GM and Spencer she would vote for them in Final 2.  She seems like a bitter jury member.
2) Elissa - Elissa doesn't trust Andy AT ALL.  And towards the end of her game, she wanted to work with Spencer and trusted him a lot more than Andy.  Once she finds out Andy framed her for the Amanda vote, she'll vote Spencer
3) GinaMarie - Grasshopper and Exterminator alliance pride.  GM knows Andy is a weasel and has called him that several times when he wasn't around and we know how GM feels about flip-floppas.
4) Judd* - This one is tough. As he was leaving the house for the second time, he did reverse psychology wanting Spencer and Andy to be evicted.  He has good relations with both Andy and Spencer, but Andy was behind both of Judd's evictions and Judd seems to have a temper that'll make him a bitter jury member. But I can see this vote going either way, but I'm leaning toward Spencer.

GM vs. Spencer (GM wins 5-4)

Votes for GM:
1) Jessie* - This is a tough one because Jessie told both these people she would vote them in F2. I think Jessie has a better relationship with GM even though GM has called her a flip flopper and put her on the block.  Jessie may also be creeped out by Spencer's obsession with her that she won't give him her vote.
2)Helen -  Helen and GM have a good relationship.  Helen thinks GM also played a better game than Spencer.
3)Aaryn - This is obvious.
4)Elissa - Elissa and GM had a good relationship toward the end of Elissa's game.  In Elissa's mind, GM was on her side the whole time, plus GM was on the block during Elissa's eviction, so GM didn't expose her cards by having to vote Elissa out.  So Elissa should be giving her vote to GM.
5)Judd - In his exit interview, he said he wanted GM to win because he discredited her at the beginning of the game.  And Judd doesn't want Spencer or Andy to win.

Votes for Spencer:
1) Candice - Candice hates Aaryn and GM because of their racist remarks.  She hates them more than Spencer. This is the lesser of two evils.
2) Amanda - Amanda thinks GM is a floater as said in the jury footage.  She may also be a bit bitter that GM evicted her.
3) McCrae - McCrae has had a better relationship with Spencer the whole game. Plus...Moving Company pride!
4) Andy - Andy's had a better relationship with Spencer the whole game.

Andy vs. GM (Andy wins 5-4)

Votes for Andy:
1) Candice - She hates GM because of the racism and has had a better relationship with Andy
2) Helen - From the jury footage, Helen said that Andy has played the best strategic game of the houseguests left. She'll vote based on gameplay and not personally
3) Amanda - She thinks GM is a floater and is bitter towards GM. She's been in an alliance with Andy from the start and trusts him more.
4) McCrae - He'll vote with Amanda, plus he was in an alliance with Andy the whole game.  However, he could be a bitter jury member and vote GM but I don't see GM's relationship with McCrae overpowering that.
5) Spencer* - This one is tough. He has a relationship with GM in the Grasshoppers and Exterminators, but Spencer has had a relationship with Andy the whole game.  Spencer may see GM's first half of the game as a liability as she didn't know much of what was going on and will reward Andy instead.

Votes for GM:
1) Jessie - Andy backstabbed and lied to Jessie.  She seems bitter and she's had a better relationship with GM anyways
2) Aaryn - This is obvious.  GM has been by Aaryn's side from day 1.
3) Elissa - Elissa hates Andy and doesn't trust him.  Plus she was working with GM and trusted her more towards the end of her game.
4) Judd - Judd said he wanted GM to win and didn't want Andy/Spencer to win.

These are the predictions based on members of Jokersupdates

Based on the poll:
Andy vs Spencer (Andy wins 6-3)
Andy vs GinaMarie (GM wins 5-4)
GinaMarie vs Spencer (GM wins 7-2)

Please let this be Andy's reaction at finale night

All three fired from their job!

Live interviews with HGs after Finale with Jeff
11:15 pm ET/ 8:15 pm PT  finale night

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Alpha's predictions.. interesting to see the polls having GM now favoured. I think probably because she won the first challenge and is expected to take Spencer if she wins the final. I just hope it is Andy winning as he seems like the least 'racist' of the bunch!
