Sunday, September 1, 2013

Will McCrae use the veto on Amanda and fall for Judd's plan? Find out Monday morning!

WTF Judd got a key?!

I want my key!!! What happened? Where is it?!

I am so happy Amanda didn't get her way!

2:28pm: Amanda and McCrae plan on acting like he would use the veto on Amanda, to make a deal with GM.  Their plan is that McCrae would convince GM he would have the votes if he took Amanda off, so that GM would make a deal with McCrae where if he takes 'himself' off, she would put up Elissa.  This same plan was discussed again a little later at 2:55pm b/w Amanda and McCrae alone in the backyard.

3:06pm: Amanda brings up the possiblity of McCrae using the veto on Amanda and how to propose the idea to GM to put up Elissa (This was Judd's plan he's been pushing for the past few days in order to vote out McCrae, so if this works, it will be so hilarious!)

Will McC use the veto on Amanda?

3:11pm: Judd keeps telling McCrae that if he uses the veto on Amanda, McCrae would have the votes to stay and Elissa would go.

3:36pm: Andy tells mcc he won't put Elissa up initially as nominee because he feels she fights harder when her butt is on the line. McCrae agrees with that assessment, and Andy says he may put mcc up as a pawn

3:40pm:  McCrae thinks he has enough votes.

3:50pm: GM tells McCrae that using the veto on Amanda will be tricky and that she'll let him know later tonight what she'll do with the renomination.

5:06pm: Andy/Spencer in kitchen, think Judd should leave before GM because they are worried about Judd and Elissa.  They want to nominate Judd/McCrae with Elissa as the target.  They don't trust Judd because of his plan to try to get McCrae to use the veto on Amanda.  Both of them reaffirm their F2 deal with each other.

6:22pm: Spencer says he's worried about Judd but doesn't want to turn on Judd yet. He wants to take Judd to F4.

7:05pm: AManda begging for her life again to GM and throwing Elissa under the bus.

7:09pm: Elissa doesn't want Judd as renom and GM agrees.  GM tells people it's between Judd/Spencer so they don't know that GM is working with Judd.

7:13pm: GM tells Elissa that Amanda keeps saying that everyone will nominate GM/Elissa and Elissa says that Amanda is just saying that so that GM/El have a target. Gm/El agree that they gotta work together against the boys.

7:43pm: Spencer thinks Judd and McCrae are good noms at double eviction and they could exterminate McCrae, with Elissa being the 2nd target.

9:39pm: Gm/Elissa say they gotta keep winning comps

10:22pm: AManda is still begging Gm for her life. She tells GM that Elissa got out Nick and Aaryn and that it doesn't make any sense that McCranda is on the block.  Gm keeps with her story of breaking up a power duo.  GM swears up and down she's not working with Elissa.  GM gets up and shakes McC's hand and says she's not working with Elissa.

10:29pm: GM tells Amanda that Judd/Elissa aren't working together either. Gm reiterates to Amanda that Aaryn was even pushing up Gm as replacement nominee and Amanda denies it.  Amanda doesn't understand why GM thinks people are alone in this game and keeps yelling at GM, saying if Gm gets rid of Amanda that people will put up GM and Elissa.

10:35pm: Amanda storms out of HOH and Mc tells Gm that Amanda gone will be best for his game anyways.

10:38pm: Amanda goes out and yells at Judd "What are you and Elissa have been talking about for two fucking hours?!"

Then Amanda asks Spencer: "Wtf were you in HOH talking to GM about for an hour?"

10:40pm: Amanda keeps saying "It doesn't make sense" and accuses everyone of working together against amanda, mccrae, and andy.

10:44pm: Amanda starts crying and says she isn't here for the money and that she wants to play the game.

10:44-3am: Amanda bashes Gm and Elissa

2:18am: Amanda yells "I got taken out of the game by GinaMarie! GinaFuckingMarie!" She yells to the producers "Why didn't you screen these people? ginaMarie is taking me out. The girl who tried to pronounce dynamic 48 times.  this fatal attraction, snaggletooth is taking me out. Oh my god, GinaMarie is taking me out of this game, just b/c she's jealous I have a relationship."

2:27am: Amanda: "I got taken out by a fucking idiot from staten island all because I found true love and she has this weird obession with Nick Uhas.  Why did that fucking asshole nick have to be here and ruin everything?"

2:49am: Amanda admits she raped McCrae and that she hates condoms

3:05am: Amanda says McCrae has a big dick and said she never used condoms with McCrae.  She said the DR saw McCrae's dick and kept asking Amanda about McCrae's dick.

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