Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Aaryn's Black Friend comes forward. Elissa expresses her doubt in Andy's vote to keep Amanda. Could she be acting? Finally Amanda and GM fight!!!!

Finally! Drama starts around 9:23pm Sept 4.  We get more crying by Amanda and Amanda calls McC a pussy for not defending her. Classic I love this shit!

Julie Chen on Letterman speaks out about Aaryn

5:42pm: Andy reveals to GM the Knockouts alliance he had earlier in the season with McCranda, Helen, and Elissa.  Gm says she didn't know about it and Andy said he would never go against GM.

6:15pm: Judd tells Elissa to Shut the Fuck UP

7:10pm: McCranda and Elissa think the rest of the house knows, or they're really jealous that Amanda is talking with Elissa

7:21pm: Elissa tells AManda/McC she doesn't think Andy is solid with keeping his vote.  McCrae says no way, Andy is fucking Solid

7:51pm: Amanda asks Andy if Spencer has campaigned; Andy says no and Amanda thinks that's weird and Andy says spencer thinks he's safe.


8:15pm: The exterminators say if El wins HOH, they will force her to put up McCrae.

8:27pm: McCrae and Andy talk about how obvious it is that Elissa/Amanda are buddies now but no one else in the house is saying anything about it.  McCrae just wants the vote to happen now and everyone to be shocked and Andy just plays along.

9:23pm: Gm and Amanda fight. It's been building up all day. GM mentions Amanda's pyschiatrist and how Amanda has been smirking all day.  Amanda tells Gm to not worry because Amanda will be leaving tomorrow (lol at Amanda taunting GM cuz she thinks she will stay).  Amanda tells Gm she has bulimia and we get fisih. We come back and GM says she vomited twice cuz of slop and denies Bulimia.  Amanda calls GM pyschotic, GM calls Amanda a whore who got into bed with the first HOH.  Gm calls Amanda a dirtbag whore and Amanda says she's been with the same guy all summer and GM tells Amanda about the 10k guys she's fucked.  

Andy can't look up (what a pussy)
Judd is laughing
McCrae hasn't moved (what a pussy)

GM tells Amanda is on 100 lbs of meds and says Amanda has a coke problem.  GM says she ain't worried about shit and tells Amanda she isn't on medication but Amanda is.  Gm starts listing all of Amanda's problems, and says she's only had 4 BFs her entire life and doesn't date men for money.  Amanda tells GM she's pyschotic for having a Nick shrine.  GM tells Amanda how is the yeast infection going and sleeping with men for money and to get what you want.

9:30pm: Now GM and Amanda arguing about their appearances, GM's tongue ring and Amanda's tattoo.  Amanda mentions GM's two clit piercings.  Amanda mentions how Nick slept with a pillow b/w him and GM and Amanda yelling PYSCHO many times.  Amanda says Nick wanted to get rid of GM and GM says that Nick turned Amanda down.  GM says Amanda's vagina looks like 50 pounds big and Amanda is taking McCrae's hat back..  GM tells McCrae to get tested for STDs because he's been sleeping with Amanda.

Now they start to make fun of each other's appearances.

9:36pm: They get physical and Judd gets b/w them to break it up.  Amana says GM is the oldest person in the house and acts the youngest.  GM says she is in the house because of that she has a big mouth. Amanda calls GM a disgusting human being.  GM says Amanda's mom is very proud of her titties being all over the internet and AManda says she probably thinks her mom is very embarrassed.
Gm is over-the-top, definitely entertaining. Here she's mocking Amanda's inability to control her emotions (the ability to control emotions is a vital part to playing well in Big Brother)

9:42pm: Fight is over and Amanda is alone upset in bed now.  Fight started cuz GM was upset about the Nick bed and her foot hurt and Amanda smirking the whole day (cuz amanda thinks she's staying)  GM/Andy/Judd/Mc/Spen playing Jenga

Remember when Evel Dick cried after every fight he had? Oh wait, he didn't. He was able to control his emotions, unlike person in above picture.

9:43pm: Andy starts laughing and Amanda accuses Andy of enabling GM.  Andy says he's laughing for no reason.  Amanda says "Fuck u guys I dont even wanna talk to u guys"

9:46pm-9:51pm: Amanda in HN room crying alone.  Then McC enters and Amanda mad at Mc/Andy for not defending her.  Amanda tells McC she needs a man and not a little boy that does nothing (OUCH hahahahah). She calls McC a pussy hahahahahahahahah.

She called McCrae a pussy

Judd eavesdrops on McCranda

9:52pm: GM and Amanda go at it again for a minute or two. Then, GM apologizes to Amanda but Amanda says it wasn't genuine.  GM said her foot hurts and she is sorry that Amanda is having a rough week for being on the block and going home.  GM says the things she said Amanda has said to other people. Amanda denies it.  GM apologizes again and Amanda walks back to HN room.  GM enters again and tries to apologize and says she's in a bitchy mood because she is getting her period and it sucks.

Round 2

9:57pm: Gm offers her HOH room again and McC says thanks.  GM later tells ppl in kitchen that she keeps her word.  Gm told the guys that AManda has been getting on GM's nerves all day and that she is walking around like she knows something and GM is irritated that AManda is walking around all confident she is staying - that Amanda knows something that GM doesn't.

10:10pm: Amanda is in photo booth crying alone

10:20pm: Elissa tells Amanda these are the crappiest men she's ever had in her life.  Elissa mentions "Who tells a girl to STFU?" referring to Judd telling Elissa to STFU earlier today.

10:30pm: AManda calls McC a pussy for not standing up for her. McCrae said that Amanda was smirking the whole day and wanted to fight and preplanned all of it.  McCrae saying it doesn't matter what he says

Just when you thought Amanda changed....hahahahaha....back to bullying

1:34am: Amanda thinks that if she goes home, Elissa is lying. McC is suspicious of Andy though.

2:03am: Amanda notices all the Exterminators leaving the KT table and entering the lounge and asks McC "don't u think that's weird?".  McC doesn't really pay it much mind.

2:27am: Exterminators talking game and shit while Amanda/mcCrae are in the HOH room the whole night.  Andy plans on making McCrae target elissa if it's double eviction.

2:40am: McCrae says he hopes Andy doesn't flip and Amanda quickly says Andy won't flip, says its too early to flip and McCrae says it actually is not too early, this would be the time to flip 

2:49am: McCrae says if Amanda goes tomorrow that she should tell Andy sarcastically "Thanks Andy for having my back" and give him a little shove.  McCrae says "I think Elissa is more solid than him (Andy)" and Amanda still thinks Andy is more trustworthy than Elissa.

1 comment:

  1. If it weren't for Alpha's blog with the times I would probably have resigned from the feeds altogether this year as it is truly pathetic. These HG's are bad bad bad and as Judd said to Amanda, we should just write the check to Amanda.
