Monday, September 9, 2013

Judd's still going home. McCrae/GM make Final 2 deal to get rid of Andy because they know Andy will win in F2. And they know Andy/Spencer working together.

 Producers handed Andy this on purpose right? lol

McCrae with Jessica

Last night
Even though nothing really changed overnight tonight, it wasn't exactly boring either.  After another day of Judd highs and lows and Andy pushing to keep GM over Judd, Spencer concocted a plan.  It was a stupid plan...but still a plan.  He proposed to Andy that since McCrae's main concern about keeping GM was getting her to throw the next HOH comp, that they could prep GinaMarie and get her to tell McCrae that she would throw the HOH completely to him if he used the veto on her instead of himself.  This wa Andy and Spencer figured they could get McCrae to stay on the block, put up Judd in GinaMarie's place, and all vote out McCrae.

Andy agreed and went to work on GinaMarie telling her what the deal would be and what she should say about it if McCrae took the bait. He then went upstairs (where McCrae and Spencer had been making final 2 deals together and talking about how they could not beat Andy in the end) to propose the plan.  With all the sincerity and accountability of a late night infomercial, Andy spilled this plan that he "thought was actually a pretty good deal" to McCrae.   McCrae humored them and kind of acted like he was really torn about whether or not to do it with his only concern being that they might vote him out for making the dumbest move ever (well YEAH).  Andy then said he was going to go talk to GM some more just to "feel her out" and when he left, Spencer and McCrae talked some more.

Spencer kept stressing to McCrae that there is no way he can beat Andy in the end, and McCrae kept saying the same to Spencer, and the 2 promised to keep each other over Andy no matter what since they cannot beat him.  McCrae also brought up how dangerous he thinks it is that GinaMarie and Andy are so tight and said he was not sure if this plan actually came from GM or if it was Andy just trying to take a stab at him.  After Andy returned to the room and McCrae pretended to consider the plan some more, he went down to "talk to GM about the plan."

McCrae pretty quickly told GM that he totally trusts her, but that he is pretty sure he was the target when the two of them were originally put up by Spencer and said that he does not trust them to not vote him out.  He told her he wouldn't be using the veto on her, but they both agreed that after the veto ceremony when Judd goes up, they could talk about making better deals.  In between McCrae coming down and Andy going up, Judd came outside to where GinaMarie was for a moment, and she told him the plan (which he was not supposed to find out about in case it didn't work) and he happily ran back to bed in hopes that it would actually go through.  Who knows how all that will come out after veto...

None of this changes anything, and Spencer and Andy are still planning to oust Judd and keep GinaMarie.  Spencer even told Andy that he would rather have McCrae in the final 3 now (because of their final 2 deal).  I would rather McCrae be there than GinaMarie also, but for Spencer's game that may or may not be disastrous.  I don't think it will make that much difference though as McCrae will probably take Spencer over Andy because he knows he can beat him, and I'm not sure Spencer could beat anyone at the end.  So, one more full day of feeds before they go off on Tuesday for the taping of the early eviction, and if nothing drastic changes, Judd will be going to jury.  I'm disappointed personally, but that's the way it goes.  A smart game move for Spencer to make (imho) would be to throw Andy on the block and get McCrae to vote him out since Andy has pretty real deals with everyone in the house And Judd and McCrae would both still take Spencer to final 2, but it would give Spencer a better shot at winning to take someone who didn't play as strong of a game as Andy did, and to use his HOH to get out a more powerful player.  That's just what I would do though.  Personally I think Andy or McCrae will win the whole thing, and I have no problem with that. They have played hard.

11:04am: Judd went off on McC during the ceremony. (Ed: Judd told McC he had a plan to fake a fight w/ him so Spe/An would keep Judd) Prior to the POV ceremony, Judd told McCrae he had his back no matter what he said. Judd hopes that Spencer/Andy will assume that McCrae/Judd would go after each other so it would be smarter to keep Judd over GinaMarie.

11:13 AM gm  reminds the guys about the lie Judd told about Kait so Aar would stay. Spe/An agree that Judd can be shady.

11:14 AM An says he wants to trust Judd but he almost wonders if Judd went off on McC so Spe/An will want to keep him.

11:17 AM GM mentions that McC said no one can beat An in the end. GM says it's hard to know how people will vote bc it could be personal

11:19 AM: Spe/GM agree that An is the hardest to beat in the F2 but McC is too bc of his comp wins now.

11:19 AM Spe tells GM that he's worried that An/Spe could be on the block next wk. GM gives her word she will keep Spe over An.

11:21 AM Judd makes sure that An is voting to keep him & if he's not, it's okay but he'd want to know. An says he is & not to worry.

12:29pm: BB tells Spencer to report to the HOH room. Judd freaks out and thinks it's Pandora's Box

1:59pm: Spencer was just doing his blog

2:12 PM Judd keeps asking Andy/Spencer in HOH room if hes staying. They say yes. Judd says he doesn't want to be surprised.

2:12 PM Judd, Spencer and Andy talking in HOH. Judd doesn't want to go to the jury house. Spencer and Andy telling him he's safe. NT - MamaC

4:28pm: McCrae out of DR. McCrae proposes a final 3 deal with GM, wanting to get Andy out during the final 4. GM agrees saying that everyone including Spencer says noone can beat Andy in the final. McCrae trying to convince GM that Andy will take Spencer to the final 2. GM agrees saying she noticed how he chose Andy for the wealth luxury and not her.

GM says she has Andy's vote for this week, and she wants McCrae to make it 2-0 vote to keep her so GM doesn't feel like she has to owe Spencer anything if he has to break a tie.

GM says everyone is scared of Andy.

McCrae and GM come to a final 2 deal, they shake hands and hug. Mc asks GM to help him practice on days.

5:29pm: Quick update: Spencer and Andy have been talking in HoH. Basically- they are almost positive they are going to vote out Judd. They trying to figure out the best way to tell him. They aren't going to blind side him. Also, Spencer let's Andy know that he is concerned that Andy might take GM to the final 2 instead of him. Andy swears that he is going to take Spencer. They both agree that they want it to be Andy/Spencer/GM in final 3.

5:49pm: Spencer: I know i'm going to get 2nd but if I had to choose between you, (Andy) Mc or GM to go to the end with, I choose you

8:06pm: Judd asking Spencer how much percentage should he worry (about going home). Spencer tells him zero. Judd asking Spencer if he's going to tell GM (that she's going home). Spencer says he's not supposed to say anything. (It's a lie)

1 comment:

  1. Spencer's best move is now over and missed.. he should have put Andy on the block so he would get voted out, since nobody can beat Andy at F2. This would have also given Spencer a power move nomination in the eyes of the jury, since it is pretty unlikely he would win no matter what with the HG's that are left in the game. To bad, so sad.. Judd will go, MCC will win next HOH and that will allow him to put Andy and ? on the block. It's a toss up if he will go to F2 with GM or Spencer but my money would be on Spencer at this point. Since the Jury house is full of women, they could easily sway to give GM the win. If Andy should win HOH then he is sitting pretty in his Rat outfit as he will take Spencer for sure as that would be an easy win for him. GM is unlikely to win HOH as she is so beat up and bruised and well, I don't think she has another HOH win in her.
