Sunday, June 30, 2013

Who's on the Block? And Who's going home?

Nominees for eviction: Jessie, David, Elissa

McCrae, the HoH, won the PoV and took Candice off the block. He replaces her with Elissa to appease members of the house. But half the house including McCrae plan on keeping Elissa, and sending David home.

Aaryn, Kaitlin, David, GinaMarie, Jessie, and possibly Candice don't know David is going home. The rest of the house is aware of the plan.

Big Brother Spatial Diagram showing how close people are to each other, including alliances!

Big thanks to Gemini_Mainiac from BBLove Chatroom for this diagram

Moving Company (green background) split into two groups to control both sides of the house, and no one else suspects it, it's brilliant.

Green - Moving Company
Black - MVP Squad, weaponize Elissa as BBMVP
Orange - Amanda's delusional final four
Purple - Blondtourage (aka Bieber Fever, Boats N Hoes)
Blue - Mustache room alliance (a final 3 deal among Spencer, Howard, Jeremy)

There's also another alliance but it hasn't fleshed out much. Jessie, Jeremy, and David are in an alliance they call BangARang.

Who's Targeting Whom on Big Brother 15?

Who's Targeting whom on Big Brother 15? as of June 30.

Aaryn: Helen, Candice, Elissa....Amanda, Andy, Jessie
She thinks she can get Andy on her side once Helen is gone since she believes Andy goes to where the Power is.
Aaryn really hates Helen and Candice and has used racial slurs about both of them. She wants Elissa gone because of her BBMVP powers.

Kaitlin: Helen, Elissa, Amanda.... Candice, Andy, Jessie
She wants to keep Candice for now because she believes Candice is a weak player and can be rid of at any moment.

GinaMarie: Jessie, Candice, Helen
GinaMarie is jealous of Jessie for eyeing the guys, especially Nick, and wants her out first.

McCrae:  Anyone not in Moving Company. He wants to keep Amanda for now as his #2 until the time is right to evict her.

Jeremy: Anyone not in Moving Company. He wants to keep Kaitlin for now as his #2 for now until the time is right to evict her.  On eviction night, he is pushing for Elissa, Amanda, and Helen on the block.

Nick: Anyone not in Moving Company. He wants to keep GinaMarie as his #2  for now until the time is right to evict her. On first eviction night, he's trying to push for Elissa, Amanda, with a potential backdoor of Helen.

Spencer: Anyone not in Moving Company. On the first eviction night, He wants Candice and Judd out because they talk a lot to other people.

Howard: Anyone not in Moving Company

Helen: Jeremy, Amanda, Aaryn, Nick, Kaitlin, GinaMarie. On first eviction night, she wants to get BBMVP and backdoor Jeremy because according to her "No one can win competitions against Jeremy."

Candice: Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie

Jessie: Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, McCrae

Judd: unknown

Andy: Aaryn, Nick, Kaitlin, Jeremy
He has told Amanda and McCrae in the HOH room that he actually likes Kaitlin the most out of the Blondtourage girls.
He thinks Nick is up to no good with all his DR sessions, and wants him out first

Amanda: Anyone in Blondtourage (aka. Bieber Fever):  Nick, Aaryn, Jeremy, GinaMarie, Kaitlin
Amanda says she thinks Kaitlin is a good girl, but that she's following Aaryn
Amanda has said that Nick must be the first to go since she's suspicioius how he gets called to the Diary Room so much when he isn't doing anything.

Elissa: Anyone in Blondtourage:   Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, Jeremy, Nick

Current Alliances in Big Brother 15

Current alliances as of Sunday June 30. There have been lots of talk of final 2 and final 3 deals here and there, but it's probably just phony deals being made to prevent making enemies.